Regretfully Indifferent

Fight the Power. Stay Informed.

Sunday, March 02, 2003

Well from what I hear (and read) you all seem to be having alot of fun with the Shizzolater. It's always good to see people happy about destroying literary works of art by extending the words with a ridiculous amount of z's.

I ate at Applebee's yesterday and it was soo friggin good. I had never been before. I was a little undecided on what to get, but I went ahead and sprung for the 10 oz. Bourbon Street Sirloin Steak. It was incredible. I give it two thumbs up...

I'm all about letting you people know about some really new cool bands. Well, I have a couple to tell you about. First off we have Beloved. Dang these guys rock. Emocore at its best. Me and Mike were going to go see them back in January with Norma Jean and mewithoutYou, but we didn't end up getting to go (which sucks royally after hearing them). Next we have a band named Brazil. I've been hearing of them for a while, but I just recently checked them out. Good, good music.

Fight the Power. Stay Informed.

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