Fight the Power. Stay Informed.
[05:29:16 PM]
mjb: wbeqna zvyyre
[05:29:31 PM]
mjb: lbh znxr zl whvprf sybj
[05:30:13 PM]
mjb: shpx zl obql hagvyy zl xarrf dhvire naq zl guvtufner fgvss
[05:30:50 PM]
mjb: ybir zr graqre
[05:31:03 PM]
Regretfully Indifferent: I completely understand how you feel, but shoving a bag of marshmallows in your mouth is not going to make it any better. I promise.
[05:32:55 PM]
mjb: V jnag lbhe ont bs znfuzryybjf onol
[05:33:17 PM]
mjb: v jnag gb fubir gurz va zl inevbhf bensnprf
[05:33:57 PM]
Regretfully Indifferent: "I called the witch doctor and this is what he said: "
[05:36:58 PM]
mjb: or zl puebzr qvyqb sevraq
[05:39:00 PM]
mjb: ovgpu fync
[05:39:13 PM]
Regretfully Indifferent: Gezundheit