Fight the Power. Stay Informed.
Sometimes my Networking III professor turns on his ICS connection and doesn't tell us. What that means for me is... I don't know that I have the Internet. Today was one of those days. He was just rattling on, "MPPE: Microsoft's Point-To-Point Encryption uses several different encryption levels but you must obtain and install a service pack in order to implement the 128-bit level... 56-bit DES... IPSec... hotfix... in tandem... more bandwidth... I'm boring..." and I'm gone. Suddenly I awake to the sound of someone trying to rouse me from my slumber. "Hey. Hey! Did you know that we have Internet?" That sneaky rat. I think it's a more of a thrill for him if he knows that he turned it on, but we don't know about it. So that's where I am right now... In class, taking advantageof my Internet epiphany. I can't wait till I graduate from this rotting, festering, diarhea burn of a school. Ohh by the way, I'm supposed to ask if anyone I know is interested in talking to someone about joining the Networking department at Vincennes University. Grrrr... I hate the VU (voooo). I never want to see this campus again... Fight the Power. Stay Informed.