Regretfully Indifferent

Fight the Power. Stay Informed.

Thursday, April 24, 2003

Sometimes my Networking III professor turns on his ICS connection and doesn't tell us. What that means for me is... I don't know that I have the Internet. Today was one of those days. He was just rattling on, "MPPE: Microsoft's Point-To-Point Encryption uses several different encryption levels but you must obtain and install a service pack in order to implement the 128-bit level... 56-bit DES... IPSec... hotfix... in tandem... more bandwidth... I'm boring..." and I'm gone. Suddenly I awake to the sound of someone trying to rouse me from my slumber. "Hey. Hey! Did you know that we have Internet?" That sneaky rat. I think it's a more of a thrill for him if he knows that he turned it on, but we don't know about it. So that's where I am right now... In class, taking advantageof my Internet epiphany. I can't wait till I graduate from this rotting, festering, diarhea burn of a school. Ohh by the way, I'm supposed to ask if anyone I know is interested in talking to someone about joining the Networking department at Vincennes University. Grrrr... I hate the VU (voooo). I never want to see this campus again... Fight the Power. Stay Informed.

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