Regretfully Indifferent

Fight the Power. Stay Informed.

Sunday, July 06, 2003

C-stone 2003 is over and honestly it turned out to be the best $125 i have ever spent. Sure, it had it's low points, but over all it was incredible. In an attempt to add to Jordan's list of...well...lists, I want to share with you my top 10 favorite shows of the week.

1. Zao
2. Living Sacrifice
3. Extol
4. Mewithoutyou
5. Death Campaign
6. Demon Hunter
7. Underoath
8. James Dean Trio
9. Norma Jean
10. Danielson

There it is. The best of the best. There were some shows i wanted to see but didn't (Over the Rhine, Figure 4, etc...) and some might have made it to the list. Oh well, better luck next year.
::Defamation so low, we're giving it away!::

[Listening to: "The Cure for Pain" by Mewithoutyou]

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