Regretfully Indifferent

Fight the Power. Stay Informed.

Thursday, August 21, 2003

Today I recieved an e-mail. "What's the big deal?" you ask. "I get e-mails every day" you say. This e-mail was different. Sender: "Adam". Subject: "FWD this is funny check this out". I have a friend named Adam, and he likes to send stupid forwards so I opened it. It was NOT a stupid forward. It was "WATCH LONELY HONRY FARM GIRLS EXPERIMENT WITH ANIMALS". Yes it's true, they spelled horny wrong. So for about 200 split seconds I was forced to view "lonely honry farm girls experiment with animals". All I can say is... I'm just as kinky as the next kinky person, but some things just should NOT be put in some places. That's all I'm sayin. And that's all I can say... for now. So that's all that's gunna be said. Fight the Power. Stay Informed.

[Listening to: "Ain't Nobody Dyin' But Us" by End Time Warriors]

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