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Monday, October 13, 2003

Wedding Party Shoots Down Plane
Mon October 13, 2003 10:37 AM ET
BELGRADE (Reuters) - A two-seater sports plane on an unauthorized joyride was apparently shot down by mistake when it flew over a Serbian wedding party where guests were firing guns into the air, local media reported Sunday.

Two men were reported to have sustained serious injuries when their aircraft burst into flames and crashed near Kraljevo, central Serbia.

"I heard shots from a wedding party which was very close to the crash site. Then I saw the plane in flames. It was shot in the left wing," witness Zoran Vukadinovic told reporters.

"A few moments later, while attempting a crash landing, it was caught in overhead power cables," he said.

Local media said neither of the men held a pilot's license.

Firing guns into the air at weddings and other celebrations is common in Serbia.

[Listening to: "21st Century Thriller" by ZAO w/ new vocalist Josh]

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